Further Information and Options EEMC2025



Please note that not all options will be on every day, so please do pick your top 4 options. Indicate below your first, second, third and fourth choices, so that we can match you as much as possible with your preferences:

If you change your mind, just click on the words above "1st choice", in the dropdown menu, to clear your entry.

Recorder Consort

A chance to play with other recorder players.

Viol Consort

A chance to play with other viol players.

Broken Consort

For recorders (usually tenor or lower) combined with tenor and bass viol.

Consort Songs

Songs for solo voice with viol consort. Confident solo singers (high soprano, second soprano, or mezzo/alto), plus viol players (usually a maximum of one treble viol). If you would like to sing with viols, but would like a different repertoire, or are not sure you are confident and competent enough for a consort song, have a look at "Voices and Viols" instead.

Voices and Viols

This could be anything from an English verse anthem to a motet or madrigal from anywhere in Europe, worked on largely one-to-a-part by a mix of voices and either renaissance or soundposted viols.

Baroque Chamber

Play suites and sonatas for two or more instruments with continuo. You will need the necessary technique to deal with those Allegros! You can opt for a solo line (recorder, violin, etc), continuo bass (cello, bass viol, bassoon, even bass recorder), or keyboard.

A Due Chori

Two choir repertoire for four renaissance recorders at 4 foot and four viols.

Playing from Facsimile

Work on sixteenth-century music from original notation. There is no better way to connect with the composer, but you will need to have some experience in clefs, note-values, rests and ligatures to join a non-permanent group. If you are interested but are a beginner or unsure of your level, there will be two graded sessions on reading this notation during the 11.30 slots.

Renaissance Wind Group

For players of cornett, sackbut, crumhorn, curtal or other renaissance wind instruments – not including recorders!


An opportunity to work on a large-scale piece for instruments (and often voices) one-to-a-part. Open to viols, recorders and suitable renaissance wind instruments. Generally, larger sizes of instruments are particularly welcome.


Please indicate if you would like to take the coach from and/or back to Newport train station. The coach will be at the train station to meet people arriving at or before 1.15pm on 3rd April and will leave on the final day at 2pm prompt in order take people back to Newport train station in time for trains leaving at or after 3pm on 9th April. There will be no charge for this service. Will you want to use the coach?



The school has kindly said that we can use their swimming pool, if there is sufficient demand. Available time slots are between 7.45 and 8.45am Sunday to Thursday (inclusive) and between 2.30 and 3.30pm on Monday and Thursday. Please indicate below whether/how you might use the pool, so that I can gauge demand. Note you can tick more than one box



The last session of the course will finish by 1.00pm and lunch will be available in time to leave at 2.00pm. Please indicate whether or not you intend to leave early and won't need lunch.



Please give contact details, name and telephone number (preferably a mobile number) for someone we can contact for you, in case of emergency:


Please pay your balance by the end of February at the latest.

As this is non-returnable you are strongly advised to take out suitable insurance, in case you are unable to attend.

We also recommend you have suitable insurance for instruments, as EEMC cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage.


Please use the following bank details, using your name as the reference:

Account name: Easter Early Music Course Ltd

Sort Code: 40-24-11

A/C No. 12084589

IBAN: GB44MIDL40241112084589, BIC: MIDLGB2133W


Please make cheques payable to: Easter Early Music Course Ltd.

Please post cheques to: Josee Beeson EEMC, Apt 18 Benbow House, 24 New Globe Walk, London, SE1 9DS