2021 Application Form





Please note that nearer the time you will receive another form to fill in to tell us your non-permanent group preferences.


Your application should be accompanied by a £100 deposit. Usually, this would only be refunded in the unlikely event of us being unable to place you in a compatible permanent group but this year, due to Covid-19 uncertainties, we are prepared to return your deposit if you find you are unable to come and let us know by 31st Dec.

Your balance payment (amount depending on your choice of accommodation) is due by the end of February. As these amounts ares non-returnable you are strongly advised to take out suitable insurance, in case you are unable to attend.

We also recommend you have suitable insurance for instruments, as EEMC cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage.



This is our preferred method of payment. Please use the following bank details, using your name as the reference:

Account name: Easter Early Music Course Ltd

Sort Code: 40-24-11

A/C No. 12084589

IBAN: GB44MIDL40241112084589, BIC: MIDLGB2133W


Please make cheques payable to: Easter Early Music Course Ltd.

Please post cheques to: Josee Beeson, Flat 3 Astwick Manor, Coopers Green Lane, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9BP